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On Translating Greek Drama in Early Modern Europe (1450-1600)

Friday 29th November 2019, Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10, Norham Rd, Oxford OX2 6SE


Organised by Malika Bastin-Hammou (Grenoble), Giovanna Di Martino (Oxford), Cécile Dudoyt (Paris 13)

Supported by: Sorbonne Paris Nord, Université Grenoble Alpes, the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (Oxford), and University of Oxford


10.30-11.00 Registration, Coffee and Welcome from Fiona Macintosh and the organizers: Malika Bastin-Hammou (Grenoble), Giovanna Di Martino (Oxford) and Cécile Dudouyt (Paris 13)


11.00-12.20 Theorising Translation Practices

Chair: Fiona Macintosh (Oxford)

Malika Bastin-Hammou (Grenoble): On Translating Greek Comedy, c. 1440-1550

Thomas Baier (Würzburg): Why Translations? Melanchthon and Camerarius on Translating Greek Tragedy

Alexia Dedieu (Grenoble): On Translating Euripides: Theories and Models


12.20-12.30 Coffee Break


12.30-13.30 Theorising ‘Volgarizzamento’ 

Chair: Cécile Dudouyt (Paris 13)

Giovanna Di Martino (Oxford): ‘Volgarizzamento’ as Translation Theory in Early Modern Italy

Giulia Fiore (Bologna): á¼™ρμηνέων ἑρμηνῆς. Theorising Oedipus Tyrannus in the Italian Cinquecento


1.30-2.30 Lunch


2.30-3.30 Theorising Imitation 

Chair: Micha Lazarus (Cambridge)

Cécile Dudouyt (Paris 13): The Theory and Practice of Imitation: translated fragments in Lapéruse’s Médée (1556), Le Loyer’s Néphélococugie (1579) and Garnier’s Troade (1579) and Antigone ou la piété (1580)

Angelica Vedelago (Padua): Translating Greek Tragedy in Sixteenth-century Europe: Between Imitation and Competition


3.30-4.00 Coffee Break


4.00-4.45 Archiving Translation 

Stuart Gillespie (Glasgow): Recovering Drama Translations from Manuscript Sources

Alessandro Grilli (Pisa): Classical Receptions in Early Modern English Drama

Giovanna Di Martino (Oxford) and Cécile Dudouyt (Paris 13): The APGRD Translations Database


4.45-5.30 Plenary led by Stuart Gillespie (Glasgow)


5.30-6.30 Drinks Reception and Theatre Workshop with Estelle Baudou (APGRD, Marie Curie Research Fellow) – Performing Early Modern Translation

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